The Best Voiceover Microphone in 2021
I think I’m guilty of listening to voiceover start-up gurus a few too many years into my career.
Yes, the most important part of your sound is your space. Get yourself going in the right direction with that first.
But I think I held off on my purchase of the Sennheiser MKH-416 Short Shotgun Microphone a little too long, listening to the drumbeat of the “mic doesn’t matter so much.”
Hey, I’d been using a really trusty CAD E100S for a number of years, but when I upgraded to the MKH 416 along with an Audient iD22 Audio Interface,
I realized there IS a difference. Especially as someone with a deeper voice.
Don’t get me wrong, in a vacuum, my old gear works GREAT for 99% of the jobs out there BUT when you’re competing in open auditions against some of the best voice talents out there, the high-priced clients with the trained ears will hear the difference!
At least I do.
Again, the CAD is an awesome microphone at a more attainable price-point for many, including me at the time of purchase. It has paid for itself a million times over! (Ok, not a million times, but it has been significant.)
But, just to my ear, the MKH 416 is worth every penny and I will declare it as the best voiceover microphone of 2021… and 2020, and 2019 and… you get the picture.