Fifteenth Fairway Resort

A Little Taste of Luxury

Who doesn’t love escaping into the land of luxury? When given the chance to settle in and get a little more intimate with the microphone, I can’t resist the opportunity. That sounded weird, but hear me out. There’s something incredibly satisfying, from a professional perspective, in lowering your volume and still delivering the proper nuance to a read. Some people try to use volume to add layers or dynamics to their reads. Those people spend most of their time losing auditions. As my coach, Nancy Wolfson, likes to say, “Volume is cheap…” I forget what the rest of the quote is. I should take better notes. I’ll say, “…living in the proper emotion and appropriate vocal tension pays the bills.”

This was a project for a real estate company promoting a listing for a luxury property, the Fifteenth Fairway Resort in Olympia, Washington.

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